Definetly not Hüpfen With that weight would cause more medical problems that it would solve, Fasten? looking at the head and feet as proportional to the overall image I’d say it’s too late for that as well which means just be content with being anyhow this is just a hypothetical headbanger……………..
@mrp I am rather fond of weighty people. I love drawing them. I understand their hunger. And – at least in my drawings – they fly just as well as the thin ones.
Fasten??? Was dann??
@mrp Hüpfen?
statt springen vielleicht fliegen.
@ schneck08 Idealist.
ja schon. trotzdem: ich meinte runterfliegen! nicht dieses säusel-fliegen und den ganzen metaquatsch vom fliegen.
@schneck08 ach, wenn ich’s mir so überlege, gefällt mir »säuselfliegen« plötzlich sehr. Und Idealist ist auch kein Schimpfwort. Lacht.
@Zo Gewiss. Aber fiktiv.
Definetly not Hüpfen With that weight would cause more medical problems that it would solve, Fasten? looking at the head and feet as proportional to the overall image I’d say it’s too late for that as well which means just be content with being anyhow this is just a hypothetical headbanger……………..
……………. I hope!
@mrp I am rather fond of weighty people. I love drawing them. I understand their hunger. And – at least in my drawings – they fly just as well as the thin ones.