wunder, wunderschöner Herbsttag!
Alle im Hessenland sind wandern oder “in die Pilze” gegangen.
Ich nicht.
Ich räum meine Bude auf.
Und komm dann heute Abend vorbei, wenn die Pilze geputzt, geschnitten, aufs köstlichste verarbeitet und mit Semmelnknödeln (lechz) angerichtet sind…
Dear Flame, No not all were wandering, although I was wandering in my dreams curled up into a mound upon my mattress after a long old & cold night, to be followed by another this eve too.., funny I just had the semmeln. amusing too.. I had a scantily clad photo (bad quality) of self in fotocommunity this afternoon just to provoke and look there 160 clicks in one & a half hour, fun over… I removed it now!!! But the moral behind the photo, most viewers have no clue about.. I leave the rest to you dear Flame ; )
dark mood, MRP? hope it has wandered off by now.
but why did you remove your foto from the site? don’t you know we all need a bit of fantasizing these days?